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Pentagrama Escolar 4 (català)

Libro + CD + Quadern d'exercicis (català)

Lenguaje musical


Reg.: B.3527

26,00 €
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  • Genres: Musical education: Hearing; Musical language; Solfège; Theory and analysis; Choir; General music pedagogy.
  • Language: Catalán
  • Product format: Libro + Cuaderno + CD
  • Difficulty level: Elementary
  • Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
  • Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
  • Collection: Pentagrama
  • Illustrator: FORNÉ, Ester; ORIVE, Eva
  • No. of pages: 100+36
  • Measure: 29,70 x 21,00 cm
  • ISBN: 978-84-8020-820-8
  • ISMN: 979-0-3503-0536-8
  • Available in digital: No
  • Available for rent: No

Book in spanish, catalan version: B.3528.

Pentagrama Escolar 4 concludes the Middle Level and consists of a book for the student, accompanied for an workbook and a CD in MP3 format, as well as a tutorial for the teacher.
The CD recordings correspond to the following sections:

  • Listening and writing (dictations)
  • Intonate and sing (intonation excercises and folk songs)
  • Original song
  • Listening
  • Did you know...
  • Flute
  • Dance
  • The full lyric of the cantata (Un mundo mejor)

The popular songs and exercises and the flute pieces have been recorded with melody and without it; the original songs are presented with and without lyrics. Due to the number of tracks contained in the book, the recording has been made in MP3 format.

In the workbook we will find the learning activities of these sections:

  • Theory
  • Listening and writing
  • Hearing
  • Did you know...

At the end of the book the student will find an annex containing flute repertoire, three dances, the lyrics of the folk songs and originals, the full lyric of the cantata, the contents of the CD.

The authors
(Carme Amat and Anna Casanova)

Índex alfabètic de cançons 
Índex alfabètic d'audicions 
Índex alfabètic de termes 
Quadre sinòptic de continguts per unitats i matèries 
Unitat 1 
Unitat 2 
Unitat 3 
Unitat 4 
Unitat 5 
Unitat 6 
Unitat 7 
Unitat 8 

Llista de cançons en aquest volum:
- A Betlem me'n vull anar
- Balalaika (flauta)
- Barbapum (dansa)
- Campaniñas (flauta)
- Cançó de bressol (flauta)
- Debajo un botón (flauta)
- Din, don (flauta)
- Do, re, mi
- Dolç el núvol
- El mar
- El noi de la mare (flauta)
- Els ocells han arribat (flauta)
- Ens falta temps
- Greensleaves
- Heigh-ho
- Jo sóc un planeta
- La barca d'en Miquel (flauta)
- La gata i el belitre
- La marxa dels sants (flauta)
- La masovera
- La masovera (dansa)
- L'estel
- Mariners com que bufa el vent
- Melodia xinesa (flauta)
- Mireu els meus ànecs (flauta)
- Oh, quin soroll
- Oh, Susanna! (flauta)
- Oh, Susanna! (dansa)
- Per reciclar
- Perdut en la immensa mar blava
- Polca (flauta)
- Quan les oques van al camp (flauta)
- Quan seré gran (flauta)
- Quién dirá la carbonerita (flauta)
- Sa madona (flauta)
- Si tu vas al cel
- Sobre dues rodes
- Sonen les campanes
- Tengo, tengo, tengo (flauta)
- The Ballad of Davy Crockett (flauta)
- Tin, ton
- Tres triques, tres troques (flauta)
- Un món millor

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