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Petjades Sonades - Cançoner (lletra)

Un llibre per moure l'animal que portes dins

Voz y Acompañamiento instrumental


Reg.: B.4123

16,60 €
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  • Ensemble: Choir: With accompaniment; ; ; .
  • Genres: Musical education: Hearing; Choir; General music pedagogy.
    Children / Youth: Songs; Songs with gestures.
  • Language: Catalán
  • Product format: Libro
  • Difficulty level: Elementary
  • Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
  • Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
  • No. of pages: 40
  • Measure: 21,00 x 14,85 cm
  • Lenght: 36'00
  • ISBN: 978-84-17199-88-3
  • ISMN: 979-0-3503-4308-7
  • Available in digital: No
  • Available for rent: No

Homo sapiens, which means "wise person", differs from other animals because the evolution of its brain has made it more intelligent than others of its kind. It is thanks to this intelligence that it has been able to adapt better to its habitat and survive. But it is one thing to be intelligent, it is another thing to identify with this intelligence.

Children who, because of their evolutionary stage, are still more connected to our animal instincts, enjoy identifying with the qualities and skills that animals represent.

With this songbook I propose to give a space to our animality and venerate it. Yes, we are intelligent. We have to learn to think, to be aware and to live together because it is our survival tool. But we are also animals with instincts, which help us to stay connected to our needs.

Music, moreover, offers us a safe space to express, with sounds, movements and words, the vertebrate mammals that we are!

This book contains the lyrics of the songs in Petjades Sonades

Other versions available: 

Pejtades Sonades - Guia d'experiències musicals (B.4109). It includes scores and activities. 

-Índex d'àudios
-Les cançons:

  • El Pingüí
  • L’Elefant
  • El Gat
  • La Girafa
  • L’Àliga
  • El Dofí
  • Els Pirates i els Mariners
  • El Sol i la Lluna
  • El Mussol
  • El Blues del Montseny
  • El Cavall
  • El Peix Irisat
  • Els Astronautes i els Aviadors


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