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Nissaga de poder
Chamber orchestra
GUINOVART, AlbertGUINOVART, AlbertGUINOVART, AlbertReg.: B.3146a
22,30 €
P.V.P. (VAT included 4%)
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- Ensemble: Chamber orchestra: .
- Genres: Incidental music: Soundtracks.
- Language: Español / Castellano
- Product format: CD
- Difficulty level: Advanced-superior
- Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
- Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
- Measure: 12,50 x 14,00 cm
- Lenght: 67'51"
- Available in digital: No
- Available for rent: No
Nissaga de poder (Dynasty of Power), the series written for TVE by Josep M. Benet i Jornet has been an enormous hit with viewers. It has given me great pleasure to have this as my first job for television, with such outstanding actors, producers and scriptwriters. I would also like to mention my two friends and colleagues who were responsible for bringing the program’s music to the viewers: Guillermo Prats, the music producer and Josep M. Homs, the music editor.
Albert Guinovart