Nadal per a tothom
Cançons originals amb acords destinades a diferents nivells educatius
Voz con cifrado y letra
DE ESCALADA, JoanReg.: B.4117
22,00 €
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- Ensemble: Solo.
Choir: With accompaniment; ; . - Genres: Musical education: Choir.
Children / Youth: Songs.
Folk music / traditional: Popular songbook; Christmas carols.
- Language: Catalán
- Product format: Libro
- Difficulty level: Elementary
- Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
- Illustrator: ORTEGA, Gustavo A.
- No. of pages: 96
- Measure: 31,00 x 23,00 cm
- ISBN: 978-84-19715-11-1
- ISMN: 979-0-3503-4324-7
- Available in digital: No
- Available for rent: No
Nadal per a tothom brings together some of the compositions that year after year the teacher Joan de Escalada has been creating to sing with the children at his school.
This experience has helped us to classify them according to their degree of difficulty for the different educational levels (nursery, primary and secondary education).
In any case, we understand that this classification is given as an example and that the definitive adaptation to each group of pupils will have to be decided by the teacher according to the knowledge of their own groups.
As teachers in the world of music education, we know how difficult it is to try to be original. In this sense, this songbook offers a compilation of completely new melodies composed precisely with the aim of expanding the Christmas repertoire in our country.
It goes without saying that we would like to have done something useful and that you will find it charming and interesting because, by working on these carols, our children will develop in their choirs a community activity that will help them to enrich their musical language and their expressiveness while enjoying music.
Andrea de Escalada
Educació infantil (3-6 anys)
01. Celebrem plegats
02. Regals a Jesús
03. Ning, ning, nang!
04. Felicitació
05. La festa més gran
06. Piu, piu!
07. Nadal, avui
Primària Cicle inicial (6-8 anys)
08. Tu, Serafí
09. Figuretes de fang
10. Simbomba i trompeta
11. Un rabadà salta i balla
12. Un pessebre petitó
13. Uns pastors bocabadats
Primària Cicle mitjà (8-10 anys)
14. Som a Nadal
15. «Olé» catapum, catapum
16. La cavalcada màgica
17. El camp és tot ple de gebre
18. Una ruta pel desert
Primària Cicle superior (10-12 anys)
19. Estampa familiar
20. Què li portem?
21. La mula al bou li deia
22. Que se sentin ben lluny
23. Cha-cha-chá de Navidad
24. Valset Nadalenc
25. El repic de dia i nit (2 veus)
Secundària Primer cicle (12-14 anys)
26. Celebrem Nadal
27. Secret de bestiar (2 veus)
28. Era un dia d’hivern
29. Paisatge blanc
30. Buscaven on dormir
31. Dolça llum que ve del Cel (2 veus)
32. És molt normal (2 veus)
33. 24 de desembre
34. Un batre d’ales
Secundària Segon cicle (14-16 anys)
35. Hi havia un pastoret (2 veus)
36. Nit estrellada (4 veus)
37. Correm-hi tots (4 veus)
38. Jo li portaria (4 veus)
39. 24 de desembre (4 veus)