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Musicianship for the Older Beginner. Level 2
The Bastien Older Beginner Piano Library
BASTIEN, JamesReg.: WP35
16,00 €
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- Ensemble: Solo.
- Genres: Musical education: Solfège; Instrumental study repertoire; General music pedagogy.
- Language: Español / Castellano
- Product format: Libro
- Difficulty level: Elementary
- Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
- Publishing house: Kjos
- No. of pages: 52
- Measure: 30,00 x 23,00 cm
- ISBN: 978-0-8497-5032-8
- Available in digital: No
- Available for rent: No
Musicianship for the Older Beginner is designed to be used as a companion book to The Older Beginner Piano Course. Theory, Technic, and Sight Reading materials are correlated unit by unit to the basic course. It may also to be used with another piano course.
The Theory portion contains a combination of written exercises and keyboard harmony.
The Technic portion is designed to develop hand and finger coordination and facility, and to develop ease and control at the keyboard. Dynamics and tempo are to be suggested by the teacher. Transposition is indicated for some exercises; additional transposition may be suggested at the teacher's discretion.
The Sight Reading portion provides additional reading to reinforce new concepts. A variety of reading experiences is provided to relieve the monotony. The student should give a brief pre-study analysis before playing: 1) tap or clap the rhythm; 2) observe the clef, key and time signature. While playing he should 1) keep his eyes on the music; 2) look ahead; 3) keep going. Transposition may be assigned at the teacher's discretion.
This balanced program will provide the student with a thorough beginning music program in basic fundamentals.