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Mompou. El eterno recomenzar

Nueva edición ampliada


PLA, Adolf

Reg.: B.3901

28,30 €
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  • Genres: Musicology: Biographies / Memories; History.
  • Language: Español / Castellano
  • Product format: Libro
  • Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
  • Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
  • No. of pages: 274
  • Measure: 235,00 x 155,00 cm
  • ISBN: 978-84-15381-96-9
  • ISMN: 979-0-3503-3850-2
  • Available in digital: No
  • Available for rent: No

My meeting with Frederic Mompou's music has been one of the deepest and enriching experiences of my life. I must admit that I was not familiar with his works during my youth and when I discovered his music it was not immediately relevant to me.

The first time I listened to him was with a Catalan friend of mine, in his house, and I got captivated quickly because of the beauty of his musical language, his very nostalgic and lighting sounds, his sad and subtle painting... I had the feeling I was being purified.

My friend, who met Mompou personally, told me a lot about his life and his shy and lonely personality. He would send me video recordings unknown to most of the people, and step by step, this man became very dear to me.

As a human, he could not inspire anything but kindness: the way he talked, the way he looked, the way he played the piano... a very humble and modest appearance that was hiding a great personality. Sometime later, I decided to introduce some of his pieces in my concerts. I wanted to share the love I had for this music to the public.

However, the most surprising experience came later, when I started to dive into his Música callada. It is the peak of his works, no doubt, his opus 111, the music which embraces all of his life. The more I dive in, the more I realize how high his spirit is.

It seems that the music has not been just composed, but also taken from eternity. The composer gives us access to eternity through his music.

In all of this works, it seems that Mompou was looking for the simplest musical resources. His pieces are frozen instants where the feeling of time confuses with the feeling of space. There are not contrasts nor oppositions, but through modest musical resources, you can get some states of mind where it seems you are living without time. Those moments are where the whole life concentrates, time does not exist. Música callada drives us further than our world

Every time I have played this music on stage, I felt that it is easier to share the closeness in a small venue with few people. Maybe the message of the composer is very particular; I would say he does not want to be heard, but to join his public through the musical silence, as Mompou is silence and vibration, both at the same time. 

Arcadi Volodos




    Mompou, un maestro de futuro


    Una conciencia sin fronteras


    El acorde metálico, símbolo de la dualidad en la unidad


    La belleza de la materia en una composión que no lo es


    Recuperando un patrimonio inmaterial


    El músico poeta


    El compositor y su doble


    El silencio de los pájaros


    La palabra de Mompou

    El trazo de Mompou

    La imagen de Mompou

    Mompou y su entorno


    Índice de ímágenes (referencias)

    Índice de imágenes de Mompou

    Índice de textos musicales

    Índice onomástico


    De las obras para piano según la dificultad


Kit Digital