Home / Works / KASTAGNETTEN - Buch 2

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Rhytmische Schulung



Reg.: B.3398

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  • Review: GRAU, Consol
  • Ensemble: Solo.
  • Genres: Musical education: Instrumental study repertoire; Instrument methods.
  • Language: Alemán
  • Product format: Partituras + CD / DVD
  • Difficulty level: Elementary
  • Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
  • Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
  • Collection: Maleras
  • Illustrator: FORNER, Ester
  • No. of pages: 48
  • Measure: 29,50 x 21,00 cm
  • ISBN: 978-84-8020-786-7
  • ISMN: 979-0-3503-0343-2
  • Available in digital: No
  • Available for rent: No

This second volume continues the study of the castanets, emphasising their great usefulness as a means of acquiring a perfect perception of musical rhythm. In this sense, concepts such as syncopation and contratiempo are introduced, as well as new rhythmic values such as the dotted crotchet and quaver, and the semiquaver figure. The different types of phrase entries, which are closely related to correct accentuation, are also examined.

On the technical side, this second book includes practice of the "carretilla picada" and, in the final section, preparation for the "carretilla resbalada desgranada", both essential techniques for the development and correct interpretation of the more elaborate rhythms that will appear in later books.

One of the main objectives of this method, as has already been mentioned, is the "school of the fingers", the aim of which is to acquire strength, agility and independence of the fingers. This can only be achieved through daily practice and perseverance. 

From this second volume onwards, the works are preceded by preparatory exercises consisting of the repetition of short excerpts taken from them, in order to familiarise oneself with the difficulties presented, before beginning the study of the complete works.

Mit Kraft angeschlagene Noten
Die Betonung und die Artikulation der Finger
Die Synkope
Die Ligatur
Einsätze einer Melodie oder eines rhythmischen Musters:
Auf der Vollzeit
Dis "Carretilla"
Das Ritardando
Der Gegenschlag
Einsätze einer Melodie oder eines rhythmischen Musters:
der Auftakt
Punktierte Viertelnote und Achtelnote
Musikstücke zum Üben bereits erlernter Inhalte
Die Carretilla ausgeführt durch langsames Gleiten der einzelnen fingern "La carretilla resbalada desgranada" Vorbereitung auf das 3 Buch:
Die Sechzehntelnote

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