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Imaginem Xostakóvitx

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PARRA, Tània

Reg.: B.4149

22,00 €
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  • Genres: Children / Youth: Songs.
    Incidental music: Poetry.
  • Lyric author: CASAS, Lola
  • Language: Catalán
  • Product format: Libro
  • Difficulty level: Elementary
  • Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
  • Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
  • Illustrator: Barreto, Mariana
  • No. of pages: 64
  • Measure: 23,00 x 25,00 cm
  • Available in digital: No
  • Available for rent: No

Literature, film, and music—three art forms that every teacher should strive to share with their students. Personal and group reading, regular screenings of great films, and listening to a wide range of musical pieces—perhaps accompanied by creative activities like drawing or movement—open up a world of imagination and inspiration for children and young people.

Dmitri Shostakovich’s vast body of work includes monumental compositions like symphonies and operas, but also shorter, lighter, and playful pieces—polkas, waltzes, and marches—that invite you to sing, dance, and draw, filling the senses with joy and beauty.

It was these delightful, smaller works by the great Shostakovich that I introduced to my students. From our shared listening experience, a collection of brief, descriptive poems emerged—pieces that truly resonated with the children.

Tània Parra is a creative, multi-talented woman with boundless energy. She asked for my poems and skillfully wove them together with the world of circus and music, resulting in this enchanting story. Beautifully illustrated with subtle elegance by Mariana Barreto, it’s a tale sure to captivate readers of all ages.

Open the pages of Imaginem Xostakótitx and let its magic sweep you away—into a world of music, color, and poetry. You might just find yourself feeling a little happier.

Lola Casas

Presentació- Lola Casas
Pròleg - Tània Parra
Prefaci - Genís Matabosch
Introducció - Gensi Clown

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