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Frederic Mompou

Col·lecció compositors catalans, Vol. 3


BARCE, Ramón; BONET, Narcís; COMELLAS, Jaume...[+]

Reg.: B.2922

22,60 €
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  • Genres: Musical education: Theory and analysis.
    Musicology: Biographies / Memories; Conversations / Interviews.
  • Language: Catalán
  • Product format: Libro
  • Difficulty level: Elementary
  • Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
  • Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
  • Collection: Col·lecció compositors catalans
  • No. of pages: 188
  • Measure: 23,50 x 16,50 cm
  • ISBN: 978-84-8020-034-9
  • ISMN: 979-0-3503-3168-8
  • Available in digital: No
  • Available for rent: No

The figure of Mompou, because his high level of self-exigence and the deepness that breathing inside of his work deserves to be especially admired. In the 20's, when he was not yet thirty years old, his music was already qualified by a prestigious critic and french musicologist, as a subtle, balanced, intimate and essential. These adjectives that usually are associated with a period of personal and artistic maturity. In a way, these revealed a great musician, a person who devoted his long life to this difficult art of music, and who had been able to create a musical language full of beauty.

We want this monograph constitutes a contribution to release the great personality and the valuable work of Frederic Mompou.

Joan Guitart i Agell
Minister of Culture (1993)

Presentació (Joan Guitart i Agell)
Entrevista amb Carme Bravo, vídua de Frederic Mompou: Frederic Mompou, l'home (Jaume Comellas)
L'estètica de Frederic Mompou (Lluís Millet)
Un passeig per l'illa sonora (Ramón Barce)
Anàlisi de dues obres de Frederic Mompou: Damunt de tu només les flors i Variacions sobre un tema de Chopin (Narcís Bonet)
Apèndix documental a cura d'Alicia Moreno
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