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El secret del Cor Vivaldi

o com ser director d'un cor de nenes i joves i no morir en l'intent!


BOADA, Òscar

Reg.: B.4013

30,00 €
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  • Review: SIERRA, Esperança
  • Genres: Musicology: Biographies / Memories.
  • Language: Catalán
  • Product format: Libro
  • Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
  • Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
  • No. of pages: 164
  • Measure: 25,00 x 19,00 cm
  • ISBN: 978-84-17199-46-3
  • ISMN: 979-0-3503-3266-1
  • Available in digital: No
  • Available for rent: No

In spite of being essentially an immersion in the first 30 years of the Vivaldi Choir, this book wants to be a multipurpose object for people who love the world of music in general, both profane and professional. The record of the work is extensive, ranging from the funniest anecdotes to the most sincere self-criticism. Follow the trajectory of the choir both personally and technically, so that both who knows music and who does not, will find material that we think may be interesting, since the intention has been, at all times, to meet the expectations of all kinds of readers.

The fact that Boada's writing partner is a mother of the choir responds to the interest of the director so there is nothing left to say, nothing to ask, since it is from within where you can ask the most accurate questions and observations.

That is why there are different chapter formats, to leave no gap in any range of interest.

The interviews
Each interview has a central theme on which Esperanza Sierra makes an introduction and then proposes a series of questions to Boada, which responds from an almost oral spontaneity.

The human interludes
Subjects born of contact with feelings, emotions, errors and successes are explained by Boada from his experience as director of a choir entirely made up of girls and boys of constant evolution.

The technical interludes
Repertoire, direction technique, recording sessions... technical questions that Boada believes interesting when explaining the evolution of a choir that was born from the first moment with semi-professional intentions and excellence as a ceiling.

"Homenots and donasses"
Between the years 1958 and 1962, Josep Pla made a compilation of literary portraits of intellectuals of his time that he grouped under the title Homenots, a word that, although apparently derogatory in character, wanted to denote the greatness, the historical volume of the characters. Forty-four years later, in 2006, Marta Pessarrodona had the good idea to do the same style of compilation, but in this case, only of women. Donasses, called him, also to declare the notoriety, the intellectual and personal magnitude of the twenty-two women he represents. And that is why we wanted to give this title of "Homenots i donasses" in this section of the book, full of important people in the career and personal career of Òscar Boada who has wanted to honor through shared experiences.




Com s'estructura del llibre

Qüestionari Proust: 30 preguntes per a 30 anys de feina

01. El naixement del Cor Vivaldi

02. La infantesa

03. Els (altres) mestres

04. Antoni Amorós

05. Alma mater

06. L'enveja: Passio secundum Augustinum

07. Els assajos

08. Columnes de fora, columnes de dins

09. Albert Moraleda, Alberto Garcia Demestres i Albert Guinovart

10. Nenes i noies

11. Els (nens) vivaldians

12. Dirigir és només moure els braços

13. Perdre

14. Els viatges del Vivaldi

15. Gabriel Garrido i Peter john Bacchus

16. El director: Primus inter pares

17. Let's make a... choir!

18. Enregistrar equival a millorar

19. Mala fama

20. Pecularitats vivaldianes

21. Laszlo Heltay, Salvador Mas, Simon Johnson i Jordi Casas

22. Disciplina? Disciplina militar?

23. Un repertori del Cor

24. Un cor d'escola?

25. Les crisis al Cor Vivaldi: Tempus putationis advenit

26. Treball d'equip

27. Antoni Coll, Àngel Recasens i Manel Cabero

28. El pòsit del Cor

29. Coelo in terra: Grans moments vivaldians

30. Àngel Soler, Ignasi Terraza i Narcís Bonet

Trenta consells per a joves directors

... i per a no tan joves

... i per a no tan directors


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