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3r Concurs de Composició Vocal Amics del Liceu
Voz y Piano
28,80 €
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- Translation: CALAFORRA, Guillem
- Ensemble: Duos: With piano; With voice.
- Genres: Classical / contemporary: Choir.
- Lyric author: PAVESE, Cesar; VERÓN, José; DESCLOT, Miquel
- Language: Español / Castellano
- Product format: Partitura
- Difficulty level: Advanced-superior
- Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
- Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
- Collection: Composició vocal Amics del Liceu
- No. of pages: 124
- Measure: 31,00 x 23,00 cm
- ISBN: 978-84-8020-885-7
- ISMN: 979-0-3503-0803-1
- Available in digital: No
- Available for rent: No
Iván González Escuder: Pavese-Lieder in einer Struktur Rothkos
These 3 songs about poems of Cesare Pavese were conceived for being performed without interruption, creating a unitary and closed structure, based on the works of the painter Mark Rothko. Like in the last stage of the Latvian artist’s works, the focuses of greater importance are taken to the extremes, giving the function of a mere interlude to the central song. This interlude joins and mediates between two pieces that, despite being created with very similar materials, are perceived as contraries, like an eternal conflict and dispute.
Pavese’s texts have the key for the interpretation of such antithesis: in the second poem, I mattini passano chiari, where he uses the verbs in past tense, he is putting forward again the same subjects than in the first one, Sei la terra e la morte, but this time refusing and contradicting it, like if it was an idealized memory, grotesquely
Jorge Sancho Cebollero: Oscura orilla...
Oscura orilla… belongs to a cycle of songs about several texts of the spanish poet José Verón Gormaz. All of them have been taken from his book of poems En las orillas del cielo (Tropo Editores, 2007).
The work was begun in February of 2008, just when it was necessary. We could consider it like a sort of break within my last music. There is not any complexity, or any atypical use of the musical resources in it. The piano sonorities and timbres are easily recognizable; the vocal part, deliberately melodic, and the treatment of the lyrics, conventional. This work was like a pause to breath…
Carles Prat: Cinc cançons de la lluna al barret
This short cycle is a selection of poems from the book Cançons de la lluna al barret (Songs from the Moon in the Hat), from which I have chosen five poems that I thought could be taken as a unity in themselves.
As for the music, it is an attempt to convey the naturalness and spontaneity present in Miquel Desclot’s poems. The music is often related, sometimes comically, to the meaning of the text. However, there are also sweet moments which are highlighted by the music.
As one can see from the titles of the poems, the plots are neither dense nor complex, rather the opposite. They are based on everyday subjects, none of them too transcendental. Songs in this cycle are fresh and easy to listen to, and I believe they are pleasant both for the audience and the musicians.
Manuel Tévar Cava: Una renga i set haikus
From 7 haikus, Japanese poems, and under the texture and emotion that these poems focus on its brevity, this book purely expressive content manifests itself as an effective representation of an eclectic aesthetic, in which the material is developed in according to various aspects of the particular text and its expression in general. The development of the material leads to an intention to place text and music in communion with the objective of achieving a whole in which all elements including its interpretation with respect to sharing the final result importance, this being an explosion of poetry, writing, from point of view of the word and its own morphology and composition, and music in most of the work takes on a purely descriptive sensory role.
1r Premi: Desert
2n Premi: Pavese-Lieder. In einer Struktur Rothkos (per a veu femenina)
Iván González Escuder (Poemes de Cesare Pavese)
3r Premi: Oscura Orilla...(per a baríton i piano)
Jorge Sancho Cebollero (Poemes de José Verón)
Menció especial: Cinc cançons de la lluna al barret (per a soprano i piano)
Carles Prat Vives (Poemes de Miquel Desclot).
Menció especial: Una renga i set haikus (per a soprano i piano)
Manuel Tévar Cava (Poemes de diversos autors japonesos: Buzon Teika, Sogui i Bascho). (Trad. Guillem Calaforra)