BACH, Johann Sebastian
Eisenach 1685 - Leipzig 1750
He was a composer, organist, harpsichordist, violinist, violist, chapel master and German singer of Baroque music, the most important member of one of the most outstanding families of musicians in history, with more than 35 famous composers and many outstanding interpreters.
His reputation as an organist and harpsichord player was legendary, famed throughout Europe for his great technique and ability to improvise keyboard music. Apart from the organ and the harpsichord, he also played the violin and the viola da gamba.
His prolific work is considered the peak of Baroque music; it emphasizes in her its intellectual depth, its technical perfection and its artistic beauty, in addition to the synthesis of the diverse international styles of its time and the past and its incomparable extension. Bach is considered the last great master of counterpoint art, where he is the source of inspiration and influence for later composers and musicians from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to Arnold Schönberg, to this day.
His most important works are among the most outstanding of European classical music and universal music. Among them are the Brandenburg Concerts, The Well-Tempered Key, the Mass in B minor, the Passion according to Saint Matthew, The Art of Fugue, Musical Offering, the Goldberg Variations, the Tocata and Fugue in D minor, various cycles of cantatas, the Italian Concert, the French Overture, the suites for cello solo, the Sonatas and partitas for solo violin and the Suites for orchestra.
See all works of this author-
Los clásicos de la música (J. S. Bach)
Author: BACH, Johann Sebastian
10,80 €
Reg.: B.2140
Instrument: Órgano o Armonio -
Author: BACH, Johann Sebastian
5,30 €
Reg.: B.2261
Instrument: Guitarra -
Double Bourrée
Author: BACH, Johann Sebastian
5,30 €
Reg.: B.2262
Instrument: Guitarra -
Concierto italiano; Fantasía cromática
Author: BACH, Johann Sebastian
15,00 €
Reg.: EI0055
Instrument: Piano -
Álbum para Ana Magdalena Bach
Author: BACH, Carl Philip Emmanuel; BACH, Johann Sebastian; PETZOLD, Christian
18,00 €
Reg.: EI0295
Instrument: Piano -
Àlbum per a Anna Magdalena Bach
Author: BACH, Johann Sebastian
16,79 €
Reg.: EI0295A
Instrument: Piano