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The Russian school of piano playing 1B
NIKOLAEV, AlexeyNIKOLAEV, AlexeyNIKOLAEV, AlexeyReg.: BH101215
18,00 €
P.V.P. (IVA inclòs 4%)
Afegir a la cistella
- Formació: Solo.
- Gèneres: Educació musical: Repertori d'estudi instrumental.
- Idioma: Español / Castellano
- Suport: Partitura
- Nivell de dificultat: Elemental
- Època: 2a meitat s. XX - XXI
- Editorial: Boosey & Hawkes
- Núm. de pàgines: 67
- Mesura: 31,00 x 23,00 cm
- ISMN: 979-0-060--4187-7
- Disponible en digital: No
- Disponible en lloguer: No
- A Song About a Peewit (arr. Yuganov)
- Adagio (Shteibelt)
- At the Gate the Wind is Blowing (arr. Ulanova)
- Birds (Karamanov)
- Bouree (Kreiger)
- Cavalry Song of the Steppe (arr. Gottlieb)
- Chinese Song (Rauchverger)
- Chorus from Ivan Susanin (arr. Ulanova)
- Cradle Song (arr. Sorokin)
- Dance (Goedike)
- Dance from the ballet Swan Lake (arr. Meichik)
- Echo (Arman)
- Echo (Parusinov)
- Exercise
- Folk Song (arr. Nikolaev)
- Gavotte (Telemann)
- German Dance (arr. Sorokin)
- German Song (Kershner)
- Homeland (Flyarkovsky)
- In the Garden (Maikapar)
- In the Green Meadow (Grechaninov)
- Kazakh Folk Song (arr. Aronov)
- Little Fisherman (arr. Dementeva-Vasilyeva)
- Lullaby (Philippe)
- March (Shostakovich)
- Mazurka (Grechaninov)
- Minuet (Mozart)
- Musette (Mozart)
- On Television Let's begin (arr. Tobis)
- On the Lawn (arr. Sotnikova)
- Papageno's Aria from The Magic Flute (arr. Meichik)
- Piece (Arman)
- Piece (Kurochkin)
- Piece (Levidova)
- Polka (Tobis)
- Prelude (Tetsel)
- Rigaudon (Arman)
- Russian Folk Song (Goedike)
- Russian Song (Aglintsova)
- Song (Bartok)
- Song (Melartin)
- Song about a Stranger (arr. Gottlieb)
- Study (Berkovich)
- Study (Gnyesina)
- Study (Goedike)
- Study (Nikolaev)
- The Joker (Dementeva-Vasilyeva)
- The Little Boy (Kershner)
- The Little Shepherd (Maikapar)
- The Rain is Drizzling (Aleksandrov)
- The Shepherd Plays (Salyutrinskaya)
- The Sparrow (Rubbakh)
- Ukranian Folk Song (arr. Shevchenko)
- Valse (Kabalevsky)
- Valse (Rubbakh)
- Valse from the ballet Sleeping Beauty (arr. Stempnyevsky)
- Willow (arr. Akimov)
- Winter (Krutitsky)